Command Line Interface

Secret Config has a command line interface for exporting, importing and copying between paths in the registry.

secret-config [options]
    -e, --export SOURCE_PATH         Export configuration. Use --file to specify the file name, otherwise stdout is used.
    -i, --import TARGET_PATH         Import configuration. Use --file to specify the file name, --path for the SOURCE_PATH, otherwise stdin is used.
        --file FILE_NAME             Import/Export/Diff to/from this file.
    -p, --path PATH                  Import/Export/Diff to/from this path.
        --diff TARGET_PATH           Compare configuration to this path. Use --file to specify the source file name, --path for the SOURCE_PATH, otherwise stdin is used.
    -s, --set KEY=VALUE              Set one key to value. Example: --set mysql/database=localhost
    -f, --fetch KEY                  Fetch the value for one setting. Example: --fetch mysql/database.
    -d, --delete KEY                 Delete one specific key.
    -r, --delete-tree PATH           Recursively delete all keys under the specified path.
    -c, --console                    Start interactive console.
        --provider PROVIDER          Provider to use. [ssm | file]. Default: ssm
        --no-filter                  For --export only. Do not filter passwords and keys.
        --interpolate                For --export only. Evaluate string interpolation and __import__.
        --prune                      For --import only. During import delete all existing keys for which there is no key in the import file. Only works with --import.
        --force                      For --import only. Overwrite all values, not just the changed ones. Useful for changing the KMS key.
        --key_id KEY_ID              For --import only. Encrypt config settings with this AWS KMS key id. Default: AWS Default key.
        --key_alias KEY_ALIAS        For --import only. Encrypt config settings with this AWS KMS alias.
        --random_size INTEGER        For --import only. Size to use when generating random values when $(random) is encountered in the source. Default: 32
    -v, --version                    Display Secret Config version.
    -h, --help                       Prints this help.

CLI Examples

Import from a file into SSM parameters

To get started it is useful to create a YAML file with all the relevant settings and then import it into AWS SSM Parameter store. This file is the same as applcation.yml except that each file is just for one environment. I.e. It does not contain the test or development root level entries.

For example: production.yml

  database:   secret_config_production
  username:   secret_config
  password:   secret_configrules

  database:   secret_config_production

  secret_key_base: somereallylongproductionstring

Import a yaml file, into a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store:

secret-config --import /production/my_application --file production.yml

Import a yaml file, into a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store, using a custom KMS key to encrypt the values:

secret-config --import /production/my_application --file production.yml --key_id "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

Import a yaml file, into a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store, using a custom KMS key alias to encrypt the values:

secret-config --import /production/my_application --file production.yml --key_alias my_key_alias


Before importing a new config file into the AWS SSM Parameter store, a diff can be performed to determine what the differences are that will be applied when the import is run with the --prune option.

secret-config --diff /production/my_application --file production.yml 


+ Adding a new key to the registry.
- The key will be removed from the registry during the import if --prune is specified.
* The value for that key will change during an import.

Export SSM parameters

In AWS SSM Parameter store it can be difficult to Export the values from a specific path into a yaml or json file so that they are easier to read.

Export from a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store to a yaml file, where passwords are filtered:

secret-config --export /production/my_application --file production.yml 

Export from a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store to a yaml file, without filtering out passwords:

secret-config --export /production/my_application --file production.yml --no-filter

Export from a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store to a json file, where passwords are filtered:

secret-config --export /production/my_application --file production.json 

Copy values between paths in AWS SSM parameter store

It can be useful to keep a “master” copy of the values for an environment or stack in a custom path in AWS Parameter Store. Then for each stack or environment that is spun up, copy the “master” / “common” values into the new path. Once copied the values specific to that path can be updated accordingly.

Import configuration from an existing path in AWS SSM Parameter Store into another:

secret-config --import /tenant73/my_application --path /production/my_application 

Generating random passwords

In the multi-tenant example above, we may want to generate a secure random password for each tenant. In the source file or registry, set the value to $random, this will ensure that during the import that the destination will receive a secure random value.

By default the length of the randomized value is 32 bytes, use --random_size to adjust the length of the randomized string.